Mission Statement

Therapist Training, founded in 2008 by Graham and Mary Taylor, is committed to providing inclusive, affordable EMDR and Schema Therapy training, emphasising the teaching of practical skills that are grounded in a solid foundation of theory and research, to help you integrate these therapies into your clinical practice.

To get a better idea of who we are and our mission, please take a few minutes to read through our core values, as these form the foundation of everything we do and offer to you.

About Our Training

“We teach what we practice; we practice what we teach”. Graham Taylor, the developer of our trainings, has practised EMDR and Schema therapy since learning them in 1989, and has taught them since 1992. Our trainings are solidly science-based, infused with the clinical wisdom accumulated over thousands of hours of practicing the therapies we teach.

Confucius wrote “What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I know.” Pre-workshop readings, videos and interactive videoed presentations provide a solid foundation of theory and practice. This self-paced program is backed up by a substantial resource library; 1.2 GB, over 1400 files. You come to the training days well prepared to practice the practical skills of EMDR or Schema Therapy. You need to allow adequate time to complete the pre-training day preparation – allow 10 hours for Days 1 & 2, 5 hours for Day 3 & 4, and 8 hours for Days 5 & 6.

Learn By Doing

The training days build on this foundation and emphasise the learning of practical skills are based on a “Learn by doing” approach. Our trainings emphasise learning practical skills though live demonstrations, with large and small group structured exercises.

The EMDR Association of Australia curriculum for Basic EMDR Training includes a requirement for 10 hours of case consultation. Our trainings provide this without any hidden or extra fees. We are the only training in Australia to do so. With other trainings this could cost you $1000 – 2000.

All trainings include a Peer Support group where you can do additional practice with your training colleagues.

Up-To-Date Course Content

Like any other therapy, EMDR and schema therapy continue to evolve with new research and clinical developments. Our materials and training exercises are continually revised and updated to reflect these developments.

Our online EMDR training was accredited in 2018, and designed from the ground up for online delivery before any of us had heard of Covid. It is not the face-to-face (F2F) format delivered in an online environment as happened with other trainings. Rather, the application of pedagogical principles ensured it was grounded in world’s best practice for online delivery of knowledge and skills. E.g. Smaller numbers than F2F training, spread out training days to assist with consolidation of knowledge and skills with your clients, many small group exercises (N = 2 – 4), questions and discussion encouraged, peer group practice exercises to consolidate your skills, online consultation sessions during the training, interactive video lectures (requiring your active participation), minimal Powerpoint slides, drawings and flowcharts to visually summarise key elements, breaking each skill into steps to facilitate memory consolidation (no long lectures with death by Powerpoint).

Basic and Beyond

Our EMDR training go well beyond the basic curriculum requirements in both didactic and practicum requirements.

Welcome to Graham Taylor’s Therapist Training website.


We run more EMDR trainings in Australia than all other EMDR trainers combined…..

Schema Therapy

This workshop provides you with knowledge and skills in using Schema Therapy……


Know more about our EMDR
and Schema therapist


These are the workshops we will be offering in 2023. All workshop conducted in accord with our Terms and Conditions of Services.